Welcome to Part Two of our two-part series! In part one we talked about the principle of “Touch it Once”. Today, we’re diving into all things email inbox management.
Ready to wave goodbye to email chaos? Let’s get started.
In Laura Mae Martin‘s book Uptime, she says to “sort your email like you sort your laundry.”
Yes, girl. Now we’re talkin’. As a mama this analogy is chef’s kiss. You wouldn’t wanna wash, dry, and put away each individual piece of laundry, would you? That’s like watching someone open a can of pickles. Jusssst giiiimme it!
So why do we tackle our emails that way? Open, read, respond, rinse, repeat… until we run out of time.
The trick is not to focus only on what’s at the top our inbox. By doing that we could be wasting energy on things that don’t deserve it. Yowza. No bueno, friend.
Thus, it’s time to implement some effective email management strategies. In this method, consider your inbox as the catch-all. And as our mamas taught us right, we don’t mix the darks, lights, and whites. So we’ll sort it into “three (laundry) baskets” (or folders): Respond, Read, and Revisit.
So the next big question is always this….. how do you decide what goes where?
Let me introduce the 4D Email Method! It’s quick and easy to remember. Let’s dive in!

1. Delete 🗑️
First up, release it! Delete, archive, or file it away. If it’s junk, trash it. No second-guessing. If it’s important but not urgent, file it away. Remember, a clean inbox equals a clear mind. After all, keeping junk is like washing the same piece of laundry you have no intention of wearing every week—pointless!
2. Delegate 🤝
Next, got a task someone else can handle? Pass it on! No really, channel your inner Elsa and “let. it. go!” Delegating not only frees up your time but also empowers your team. So don’t hesitate!
3. Do ✅
Now, if it takes less than two minutes, just do it! Respond, check it off, or file it away. These quick wins add up! You’ll feel lighter with small tasks completed. Think of it as a mini celebration for your productivity!
If the email needs more time and attention, could you move it to the Respond Folder? Now, when you have a work block to respond to emails, you can go directly to this focused folder and give it your full attention without any distracting emails getting in the way.
Meanwhile, if you need to get back to someone but are waiting for info, toss it in the Revisit Folder. Not sure how to update someone? Don’t worry – I gotchu; grab ideas here!
4. Defer ⏳
Lastly, got a newsletter or article to read later? Simply add it to your Read Folder. It’s off your plate but still on your radar. Therefore, nothing slips through the cracks! Save this “basket” for the end of the day when your energy tank is low, and you watch to catch up on what’s happening in your industry.
Wrapping Up Your Inbox Management
In conclusion, email inbox management doesn’t have to be a large, daunting pile of laundry to face every time you log in! With these email management tips, strategies, and hacks, you’ll learn how to clear your email and keep your inbox clean. Just remember to keep it short, sweet, and organized.
So go ahead, tackle that inbox! You’ve got this! Happy emailing! ✉️
Do you have an “email” hack that works for you? Share it in the comments below or email me at info@carolineeidson.com—I love hearing from you!
Need help organizing your overall task management system? Not sure where to begin? Let’s chat!

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