Photographer working on Business

The Blog

5 Asana Boards Every Photographer Must Have

Have you ever wondered what Asana boards you should have as a photographer? Today I am sharing my top 5 boards that I always provide to my clients in my Asana VIP Days.

Photographer Workspace:

This is the place to help you keep “the main things the main things”. I love to have a place to brain-dump and then prioritize. This is it! 🙌🏻 Reoccurring tasks go on repeat here. It’s also a place to highlight the day’s top 3. No longer will you be starting your day overwhelmed and unsure of where to start…

Marketing Calendar:

Man oh man the overwhelm and headaches that can come with marketing! It can feel like so many tabs are continuously left open with all the ideas and to-dos. This calendar helps relieve that stress and creates a visual hub of when and where your content is getting published. We are forever saying goodbye to content staying left on read… I’m mean in drafts. 😉 And saving time (money!) by repurposing it across all social channels. Add in some quick links and your efficiency is about to skyrocket! Newsletter, Blog, Instagram, you name it. It goes here.

Photographer working on Asana boards

Biz HQ:

I firmly believe businesses stay hobby-like (or are not as profitable) because the back end of the business is last on the list and it is overwhelming for business owners. Unfortunately, turning a blind eye doesn’t help it go away! If only it were that easy! The Biz HQ helps keep it simple and all in one place so that, you can take care of business and move on to client work. Yes, and amen friend.

Client Workflow:

As a former photographer, I would have LOVED to have this visual of client statuses. In the past, I made do and used a laminated checklist on my wall. While it helped, I couldn’t be notified of deadlines, add client notes, or workflow adjustments. In Asana, it happens intuitively. This is just a dream!


Year in Review:

This is a visual way to goal plan and map out your year. Why I love it? I have found, that keeping goals in your central hub; helps you keep them front of mind. Let’s hit our metrics year after year with this one.

Want help setting up your Asana?

Not sure how to set up your Asana and want me to do it for you? Let me help and book a VIP day here.

A VIP day with me includes a custom Asana build-out tailored to your business. Let’s get your content in a copy-paste-post form in a monthly content planning template, your to-do list on autopilot with recurring tasks, and a home base to track all your best leads and more.

Need help deciding if this is what you need? Reach out here and I’ll answer any questions you may have.

Happy planning and organizing!


photographer organizing her work

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